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  • #117906 Reply
    Jacque Brund

    Hi, the photos at the top of the first page are not showing. Page was refreshed several times too. After 40 minutes on the phone with inmotion hosting, the agent could not correct it either and suggested it seemed sot be a Boldgrid issue and to contact you. Other pages are ok on the site , just the frist page is missing pics at top. Thankyou. Jacque Brund

    #117924 Reply
    Brandon C

    Hi Jacque,

    Thanks for reaching out, the source of your issue could very well be coming from our BoldGrid Post and Page Builder editor. It could also have to do with your Avenue theme as well. Some third party themes are not built with the BoldGrid theme framework in mind and can sometimes cause minor issues.

    The first thing you should probably do here is review the revisions tab in your page editor. In your page builder just above, or right beside the “Update” option there is a revisions tab that allows you to redeploy previous versions of the page. Check your revisions to see if the images appear in a recent version of the webpage and if so switch to that version and be sure to “Update” the page.

    If this doesn’t resolve the issue we’ll continue with troubleshooting. Do you remember when you first noticed the issue? Were you perhaps modifying content on the page, or maybe it happened after an update to Post and Page Builder, your theme or some other plugin. If we can pin point where problem begin we can likely find the source of the issue.

    I hope this helps Jacque! We look forward to answering any other questions you might have.

    #117929 Reply
    Jacque Brund

    Brandon, thank you for ideas. I noticed it today before editing it. All other pages are fine.The theme worked fine for months and is the same one for my main site,, and on that site I`ve had no problem with pics on the backend in disappearing.

    Is it possible pics are too many, too big? On my man site the Commercial page has many more pictures than the page and none disappear. Thank you. Jacque

    #117931 Reply
    Brandon C

    Thanks Jacque,

    I don’t believe the issue is due to the amount of images on the page or the size of the images because even if this was an issue the images would still attempt to load and likely produce some sort of 404 error.

    Have you tried adding the images back to the page manually?

    #117939 Reply
    Jacque Brund

    Brandon, Ill try after lunch. The agent at inmotion hosting said after trying everything, the pictures were seen at the top but when he scrolled down they disappeared and so hi guessed the issue was on your end. I have no problem with the same template for my main site. Ill let you know. Thank you. jacque

    #117961 Reply
    Brandon C

    Thank you Jacque,

    No problem, we’re looking forward to assisting you further with this.

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Reply To: Using BoldGrid Post and Page Builder and photos at the top of the first page are missing
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