WordCamp Montreal, Here We Come!

Blog, WordCamps

This week, MikeDemo, BoldGrid evangelist extraordinaire, will visit our neighbors to the north to share the word about his favorite WordPress website builder.

WordCamp Montreal takes place over two days (August 12-13) this year. It has the unique distinction of being the largest WordCamp event in Canada. As with all WordCamp events, developers, designers, web professionals, bloggers, and others come together to discuss all things WordPress. But, unlike most other such events, discussions at this event will take place in both English and French.Hosted by the John Molson School of Business, this event promises to be another exciting opportunity for the team to spread the word about BoldGrid. MikeDemo will have a booth at the event, and we hope that you will make a point to drop by and say “hello.” Unlike many of his other outings, MikeDemo will not be making any presentations at this one. So, he should have plenty of time to speak with guests one-on-one about the advantages of using BoldGrid when building a WordPress website.If you would like more information about WordCamp Montreal, please visit their website. We’ll see you there!