Easily Build a Beautiful Fitness Website with BoldGrid

WordPress Website Builder

With BoldGrid, and in less than 20 minutes, you can quickly and easily create a beautiful, fitness website showing off the benefits of your gym or fitness group.

To create the basic website in this video, we used the BoldGrid Inspirations plugin, the Post and Page Builder, and the Gallery plugin, as well as many of BoldGrid’s exclusive features — Blocks, for example. In this video, we use the “reuse Blocks” feature, which allows you to easily re-purpose previously made content on other pages. Your class schedule, for example, may need to be posted on multiple pages. Instead of having to build the schedule multiple times, you can use the reuse Blocks feature to create a copy of previously developed content to a new page.For More Information: Getting Started with Inspirations Editing Your Pages How to Save and Reuse BlocksOr, click HERE to try a demo of BoldGrid. You can easily create a backup of your demo site and restore it later on a BoldGrid installation with your favorite WordPress host.