BoldLife – Michelle Ames – Between a Dead Fish and a Vice Grip


Michelle Ames of Impress and WP Coffee Talk

Michelle Ames, entrepreneur and head of Customer Success at Impress, makers of GiveWP, joins us to discuss her unique Customer Service and Business techniques, as well as chat about the upcoming podcast WP Coffee Talk.

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The following transcript was created automatically, please forgive us if there are any typos or grammatical errors.

Demo: 00:02 Hello and welcome to another episode of the BoldGrid BoldLife podcast. I’m your host Mike Demo, joined by my cohost Jesse.

Jesse: 00:10 Good morning. It is a 6:00 AM here in Denver. So I am here but I’m not fully present.

Demo: 00:18 We are also joined by Michelle aims, um, from impress. Hey Michelle, how you doing?

Michelle Ames: 00:25 I’m good. How are you?

Demo: 00:27 Good. So uh, how, what coffee Mug are you drinking out of right now?

Michelle Ames: 00:32 I was drinking out of my give WP Mug.

Demo: 00:35 Uh, very on brand.

Michelle Ames: 00:37 It holds a lot of coffee.

Demo: 00:40 So Jesse, a foot, since you haven’t been to a couple of a word camps with me when gives been there, there is this swag debate that is going on between bold grid and give that, you know, people think that Give has the best swag or BoldGrid has the best swag. I will say give has far more varied swag. We’re BoldGrid is consistently tide pens all the time.

Michelle Ames: 01:07 I do have, I give my, can you spill your coffee then you might need a BoldGrid Tide pen.

Jesse: 01:12 Yeah, they go hand in hand

Demo: 01:14 and have give has really nice mugs. Really Nice water bottles. I mean their swag game is on point. I mean, I’ll give him that. So as much as I would love just Hawk swag for 25 minutes, that is not why we invited you on the show today. Micell uh, so for those of you that don’t know, what impressed does, I know gives one of the products, can you give a quick summary of the of impress and then what you do there?

Michelle Ames: 01:39 Sure. So impress has two main products. One is give and give is a donations plugin. So we make really nice dynamic, um, user friendly donations, forms for websites, primarily nonprofit, but a lot of political and a lot of personal websites as well. And then, uh, impress also has a product called WP business reviews that aggregates all of your reviews from Facebook, Yelp, Google,and zomato onto your website, and a really beautiful format or several different formats you can choose from. So that’s a nice way to display reviews for your business on, on your website.

Demo: 02:15 Yeah, not at all. Again, sorry to interrupt and ask a stupid question. What’s zamato of different?

Michelle Ames: 02:22 Yeah, it’s actually, it’s really big in Europe and it’s coming, it’s becoming bigger here in the states as well. It’s specifically a restaurant review sites. So they, they have restaurant reviews. It’s similar to Yelp, but Yelp, you know, kind of goes outside of the restaurant world as well. But the motto is specifically restaurant and they have a lot of things that integrate with them. My point of sale systems and things like that. So it’s a pretty comprehensive for restaurants. Yeah.

Demo: 02:49 And your role as I so rudely interrupted you, I just, what is that tomato? Oh yeah.

Michelle Ames: 02:57 We have a debate whether it’s a or is a motto

Speaker 3: 03:00 talking about

Michelle Ames: 03:01 that. But my role is I’m the head of customer success for impress. And so whenever you purchased, gives us specifically one of my staff members, um, in the customer success team will reach out to you, we’ll give you a call or we’ll send you an email if we don’t have a phone number for you and want to make sure that you let your onboarding, um, in a very easy way and that you understand how to use Gif or how to use WC business reviews so that, uh, so then it’s seamless, a seamless process for you so that it’s easy to do and that you can start using our products right away. So for, especially for nonprofits, it’s important that they are able to continue to have those, um, those, uh, the fundraising going in so that they continue to receive donations and so they don’t want that process interrupted and they want to get it up and running very quickly. And so we’re able to help them do that.

Jesse: 03:54 That’s a really interesting approach. How do you, how does that normally go? Like when you’re doing the outbound phone calls? To me it would, it would be like, what is this a phone call from the Internet? Like, how does that, how does it normally go down?

Michelle Ames: 04:12 People are usually shocked. Like, wait a minute, I’ve never had a phone call from a plugin before and they’re usually pretty impressed by it. Some people are a little baffled. Sometimes people think we’re trying to upsell them and we’re really, there are honestly not trying to sell them at all. We’re just really trying to reach out, let them know that they have somebody that is in their court and can help them if they’re, uh, you know, floundering a little bit and maybe they can’t connect to their payment gateway or they don’t really understand all the bells and whistles that come with, um, with whatever our bundle packages. And so what we do actually is offer the ability to meet them on either a hangout or a zoom meeting and we have them share their screen and we walk them through the process. So, um, I don’t think there’s any other plugins in the whole wordpress ecosystem that are doing screen shares and helping their customers be successful in the way that we’re doing that. So it’s, um, it’s really exciting. You know, we have a lot, we have a big file, we have a lot of fans that are little give fan club. Our Facebook group is growing and they named themselves givers, the people who are using gifts. And so, um, they have a really active Facebook group. They’re helping each other, they’re asking us questions, we’re sharing tips with them and it’s going really well.

Jesse: 05:25 Excellent.

Demo: 05:26 So how did you get into your role? How did he find it? And then, um, did that coincide with he coming into the wordpress community or were you already in the wordpress community in another way and kind of how did that story to where you are today can happen?

Michelle Ames: 05:42 Huh. So the, the, I’ll try to keep this, the how I got into wordpress a little bit short and sweet. I uh, had no idea what we’re press was a friend than I started a nonprofit and her husband built websites up. All I knew. But he built us a website and he said, we thought we were going to give him all the information, you know, like a regular customer. He was going to build this great website. And you know, if you build it, they will come kind of thing and steady built the structure and he’s like, okay, here’s your luggage. You guys got to populate it. And so I was a little scared. We kinda got in there and I thought for sure anything I pressed, I would just break the site. Um, but within about 15 minutes I was like, this is really cool and I want to be able to know how to do this.

Michelle Ames: 06:22 And so I actually went and bought a domain and I thought, great, I’ve got a domain now. How the heck do I get wordpress on that domain? So I called him up and I’m like, I understand how to buy a domain. I understand how to use wordpress, but how do I put the two together? And his wife, my, my best friend, she worked nights, she was with us therapists and they had five children. He said, if you come over and make dinner for the family, I will teach you word press. So I went over and made Spaghetti and a salad and afterwards the kids did their homework and he taught me how to go from having a URL to having hosting too, you know, doing the download and upload, install. I learned what salt keys were and all of what goes into, I’m doing a manual install of wordpress.

Michelle Ames: 07:08 Um, from there it was just kind of like I probably a year later I quit my job. I decided I was going to go into marketing full time. I was looking for a job and post it on Facebook. I’m like, Hey, I’ve got like a month off before I started, you know, before I started looking for their job, is anybody interested in having a website or a little help with social media? Customers came out of the woodwork. I realized that a week I had so much business that I should just open a business and so I had my own marketing company for about six years. I built about 300 websites in that time. And it got a little tiresome being the person that has to do all the marketing, all the building, all the client meetings and then also the billing and then when they don’t pay be also collections.

Michelle Ames: 07:53 And so I started looking for a full time job, or at least being open to the possibility. I was at WordCamp Ottawa and I met Jason Canal and Bridget Willard and I was telling them how I had used give on one of my websites and they said, hey, could we put that story on our website and our blog posts. So I sat down and met with them and I told them all about how I built this website called Urdu cope and it was to raise money for children in South Sudan to have lunches at school. And so they thought that was great. They did an article about it and at the end of that interview I said to Jason, I said, you know, gives us one of the few places I would consider closing down my business to work for. Do you ever have an opening? Let me know.

Michelle Ames: 08:34 And by the following January, I was the head of customer success and there you go. So it’s sometimes it’s about being able to be in the right place at the right time. Um, it’s serendipity. It’s also having the right background and making those good connections. Um, but it was just, it was perfect timing and in the perfect place. And I do go to a lot of WordCamps so I at a lot of word camps, um, when I was in my own thing, I was speaking at four or five a year and now with, um, with give, I’m usually like last year I spoke at eight camps and attended nine. So I love, I love word camp, I love sharing and I love being able to, um, teach other people about the things that I’ve learned.

Demo: 09:14 Excellent. Yeah. Being in the right place at the right time and having that experience. I mean my bolt getting the bulk good job, which I’ve talked about on this show before was just cause I was happened to be working and volunteering at the juvenile booths and I ran into the owner of bold grid who happened to know from one of his other companies in New Orleans at a conference. And then we started talking and one thing led to another. And here I am. So you also have a book that is on Amazon. It’s called a good firm handshake and other essential business tips. It’s available on paperback, kindle and kindle unlimited. So what is that book about?

Michelle Ames: 09:55 The local newspaper here in Rochester, New York had asked me to be a blog or in their business section. I used to teach classes for the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce. And they saw that and they said, hey, you want to write out an article, feminist paper? And I said, sure if I wrote an article and they came back and I said, you want to be a blogger for us? I said, of course I would because you know, hey exposure. Right. And then my best friend, um, you know, has been taught me wordpress. She and I were on our way to word Camp Portland, Maine, and she had written a book and I said, I’m so jealous in a good way. I’m very happy for her. Of course, I said, but I’m jealous that you’ve written a book. I’ve always wanted to write a book, but I wouldn’t know what to write about.

Michelle Ames: 10:33 Just what do you mean you practically have it written already? I said, I have no idea what you’re talking about. So that you’ve got all those blog posts that you’ve written that turned them into chapters and you have a book. And so what I did is I took those three to 500 word blog posts and then you know, really fleshed them out, really added some meat to them and turn each one of those into a chapter, kind of analyze where the gaps were for a good book. Wrote a couple more chapters. And basically what it is, is it’s a book for small business owners, entrepreneurs, managers, to be able to understand how to do some marketing and how to do a few other things that really help you succeed in business. The first thing I always realize is that there are so many people have no idea how to do a good handshake.

Michelle Ames: 11:16 I’m on the school board in my town and the kids will come through, you know, we’ll, they’ll get awards and we’ll have to shake their hands. And nobody is teaching. Kids nowadays have the dove, that handshake, you get all these wet fish kind of handshakes are the ones that just about break your fingers in your, in your hand. And so, um, I wrote an article for the paper called somewhere between a dead fish and vice grips. And that was about how to give a good handshake. And so that seems to be a really good title for the book because it really is about those little things that make a difference in how you run your business. Um, some of the chapters that are in there are, um, you know, in defense of ugly carpet. So, you know, if you’ve ever been to a hotel, you know that the carpet and hotels is hideous, but there’s a reason for that and there’s a reason that you shouldn’t sweat the small stuff like the color of the carpet.

Michelle Ames: 12:05 And so those chapters about that, those chapters on how to, um, you know, structure a really good business card, there’s chapters on how to write an elevator speech so that when you’re introducing yourself to somebody, you have that pitch ready to go or that 30 seconds, hey, this is who I am, this is what I do and this is how to contact me kind of thing where it doesn’t sound like you’re just kind of coming off a commercial, but it can be conversational. So they’ve all kinds of chapters in there. The one I think I liked the best as why entrepreneurs and managers should take vacations. And I know Mike, you’re all about having fun at Disney and things like that. So you could probably

Demo: 12:40 Never never, what is this Disney you speak of

Michelle Ames: 12:46 but you should read that chapter for sure. Cause I know you’ve got the, we talked about that and then I have a chapter that I’m really proud of and why you should, you know, why you should be careful in how often you say thank you and, and how often you say, I’m sorry, uh, in our business, you know, there’s oftentimes people will say, you know, your product just doesn’t work for me. And our first response usually is, I’m sorry that it doesn’t work for you. Well, I’m not sorry it didn’t work for them. It’s unfortunate for me, it didn’t work for them because now I’ve got to give them their money back. Right. So I’m sorry I’m losing money for the company. Um, I wish it had worked for them kind of thing. But instead I say things like, that’s unfortunate. Um, I try not to, you know, take blame.

Michelle Ames: 13:28 So I think that sometimes when we say we’re sorry, we, we take blame as opposed to just having sympathy. And so to be careful of that, and you know, I also don’t say thank you that often. Um, and that’s something I learned from a woman, uh, years ago in business is that we say thank you, especially as women for some reason we say thank you far too often instead of doing things like empowering people. So I don’t say thank you for buying gifts because they didn’t do it in order to make me happy. I say I’m so excited for you that you purchased gifts because I know it’s going to do great things for your website. So I use empowering language as opposed to gratitude language. Absolutely use gratitude where it’s appropriate 100%, but sometimes it’s more about um, thank you, gets overlooked as language, but I’m so excited for you or you’ve taken a great stuff and you know, taking your company to the next level. So that kind of empowerment language goes a lot further with a customer then the simple thank you that gets often overlooked. So, yeah, so there’s a lot of chapters like that in the books that I think, um, it’s practical at this practical application. Things that you can use in everyday business, regardless of where you are in business and where you want to go.

Speaker 3: 14:37 Okay.

Michelle Ames: 14:38 Tell you that. But

Jesse: 14:40 that’s really interesting discussion about the use of language and communicating with customers in a previous life. I A trainer for our customer service and technical support department. Um, and I would always, um, I think I was, I was kind of touching on the, the revelation that you just mentioned, cause I would, I would, you know, make people think about their words when, when do you say I’m sorry, or do you say, I’m sorry to hear that. Or, um, things like that. So that’s, that’s, um, I, I find that to be a really interesting point that the thank you and I’m sorry, are, are incredibly overused phrase it. Um, and um, I’m excited to, uh, to have you on the podcast because of that.

Michelle Ames: 15:28 Yeah. Yeah. I think, I think there’s much more powerful language that we can use. The most simple phrases. Absolutely.

Demo: 15:35 It is interesting because I used to be a trainer for a Disney. Um, and when we were telling people and they would train people, they were saying when somebody said not a problem or no problem if someone said thank you for doing something, like if the guests at thank you for helping them with a reservation or something. And you would see a lot of people say no problem. But they would always say that saying no problem implies it was a problem and they would always train people to use words like my pleasure. So it’s, it really interesting how those little things go. And one of the videos we showed was called, uh, the difficult guests and it’s one of those campy like training videos. But one of the, I love this video so much cause you know, this guy, the main character is just having the hard time throughout all these interactions in his life and, and how it makes him feel, even though the employees are just following quote unquote policy. So at the bank he was like, Hey, I know I don’t bank here. I’m, I just need to cash your check, blah blah, blah. I met the other branch and then she’s like, sir, do you have any valid id? And then he pauses and he steps out of character. He’s like, valid, here’s my driver’s license, passport, dental records, baby photos, here’s me on the cover of time.

Demo: 17:03 And then he stepped back into character. He’s like, yeah, I do here because we were trying to demonstrate how the guest feels when you say these sort of key phrases and even if the person doesn’t really intend that. So interesting.

Michelle Ames: 17:20 Oh my ideas valid. Thank you very much. Yeah, exactly. And you know, it’s funny cause you do, you did say that, um, you know, not to say no problem, no worries. Things like that. I have, I have always, I’ve retrained myself to say my pleasure or it’s been my pleasure or just simple. You’re welcome as opposed to phrasing it in that negative way of, of worries and problems though. Um, I should’ve put that in the book and it’ll be in the next release. There we go. Can I ask like, uh, just,

Jesse: 17:50 uh, for my own self edification, when you, when you have a book on Amazon that is on kindle unlimited, um, do, do you get compensated for those free reads?

Michelle Ames: 18:02 Well, I don’t know for sure because I think the first person to ever use it was Mike and it was just this weekend. Well I have to go out and see what happened.

Demo: 18:13 I believe so cause I did look into this. Um, it’s paid kind of like songs through, you mean where I believe, and somebody can write it and correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe you get paid based on the page views, like how many pages are read and then there’s sort of this some sort of algorithm. Now I’m not going to say I don’t think it’s a large amount of money. I think you’d be better off if someone just bought the book. But you know, I mean if it’s on kindle unlimited and I paid 989 a month, I mean Michelle, I love you, but come on, we books a free book. Um,

Michelle Ames: 18:47 I haven’t, but I will say that if you buy the paper back and happy to autograph it, if I get any word camp. So there’s that,

Demo: 18:55 that that is a good point. But Nathan and Graham on his book, he said when we talked about that, he’s like, so that will make it be worth a nickel or 10 cents

Michelle Ames: 19:06 and not let the dollar come on. Canadian dollar or at American scholar. Okay.

Demo: 19:17 We were just in a, for those of you who are listening, we would, we would, Michelle and I last weekend we’d just hang out at Word Camp Hamilton where we both were speaking and we’re both on a panel. We had three Americans on a panel and no Canadians at a Canadian board camp.

Michelle Ames: 19:33 Well, you know, it’s just like, um, America’s got talent. There are no Americans on the judging and the judges panels for that either. So I guess it was not unprecedented.

Demo: 19:45 Yeah. So it was really funny at the start of it, Jesse were like, so let’s talk about healthcare and immigration.

Michelle Ames: 19:53 My guess is they will cut that part off of the video. So you want to say that I weren’t pressing me? Probably not.

Speaker 3: 20:03 Maybe they’re kind of situations, so

Michelle Ames: 20:07 might be just a little politically charged at that point.

Demo: 20:12 Well, uh, speaking about word cancer, you always ask people what their favorite word, camp member. And I know you go to a lot of word camps, I go a lot of word camps. You’ve been to a lot of WordCamps together. So what’s your, what’s your favorite or one of your favorite word memories that kind of sticks out?

Michelle Ames: 20:27 Well, you know, I mean getting hooked up with my current job is right there up at the top for sure. Um, but my first word cab you ass. So I used to go to word camp. Like I said, I had self fund myself when I was, you know, I had my own business. I went to my first WordCamp us. Um, I’ve been to every single one of them. So it was what, 2015 was the first. And I was sitting at a table with a bunch of people from Rochester, some other people I didn’t know. Um, Terry [inaudible] from Pittsburgh and she and I were sitting next to each other and there was one MTC that the table, and I looked up in, this man was walking towards those needs, gesture to the seat, like could I sit there? And I said, absolutely. Terry was, you know, bent over rifling through her bag.

Michelle Ames: 21:09 And I leaned down. I said to her, don’t lose your cool but met mom would wag is about to sit down next to you. And so Matt Mullenweg sat down and had lunch with us and nobody else at the table had any idea who he was. So I had memorized the names of the people at the table. So I introduced him to everybody. And um, and so I just kind of tried to the inside. I was like fan girling all over the place, you know, I was like, oh my God. So you know, one of the founders of we’re pressed and he’s sitting at my table and play it. Cool. Michelle, play it. Cool Colo, right. And so I, I’m asking him silly questions. I didn’t want to get into anything political or anything with them, but no, I said no. I said, I look at, I read the article every year, but what’s in your bag?

Michelle Ames: 21:47 I said, so I know you know, how you feel about kindles in the set the other. I said, well, let me ask you a question. I said, the world wants to know. I said Iphone, iPhone or android. And he looks at me and he says, both of course I have to test them both. And I said, yeah, but which one do you call your mother with? And at that point he said, my iPhone, so I’m, I’m a good deal older than Matt Mallow Egg. And so, uh, I said, I know you’ve got the state of the word coming up tonight. I said, you’re going to do great. And so kind of giving them the old mom pep talk kind of thing. And so after, um, after the state of the word, he was hanging out and I walked up to him to get a picture with him and I said, you did a really good job.

Michelle Ames: 22:35 That was kind of one of my, my big m word camp moments. That was kind of fun and it was, you know, I was there by myself. I was kind of in awe of all the people that were there and I’d only been to two or three word camps prior to that. I’d never spoken at a word camp yet at that plane and I was overwhelmed by how many people were there, but also by how amazing our wordpress community is and how, you know, it’s like, is that seat open? Absolutely. Come join us. What do you do? How do you do, what do you do with word press? Who are you, where do you live and, and how suddenly you go from feeling like one person sitting in a room by yourself all day on a computer to feeling like part of a greater community. And you know, in the four years that have passed since then, and I’m on the marketing team, I’m a volunteer on the marketing team for wordpress.

Michelle Ames: 23:24 And so I’m part of that weekly meeting and I’m working on the new showcase that we’re going to be putting up in the new um, case study, how we’re putting that together for I am on the WordCamp us, um, organizing teams. So I’m working on a lot of the copy that’s going on that and tweeting out. I, I think, uh, pretty sure bold grid is going to be a sponsor as a sponsor for us. So I’ll be putting together the tweets for all the sponsors so you’ll be seeing some of my handiwork there too. And it’s just kind of really exciting for me not only to be involved in that kind of thing, but also, you know, it’s all volunteer. So to be able to give back to the community, to pay it back, pay it forward, um, for this wonderful gift that’s given to us through this free software. And so, um, so yes, I don’t know that other than those two kind of mountain top moments, there hasn’t been a bad word camp and all the word camps I’ve been to, I’ve been to over 30. I’ve spoken at like 25 of them and every single one of them brings with it some exciting opportunities to meet new people. That fact in Ottawa, I, I’m connected with a ton of people and got more people to sign up for my new podcast like you mentioned at the beginning of the show. So that’s exciting too.

Demo: 24:33 Excellent. Yeah. And we are a sponsor. We’ve already committed, we’ve signed the contracts we’ve paid and our sister company actually just application and contract last week. So both of the brands of our parent company will actually be at WordCamp us, which is excited and I’m excited about WordCamp us, not just to see you, Michelle and everyone else of course, but six like Saint Louis on that, on that Sunday night, Saturday night too, but can’t do it Saturday night, a Saturday night because of the after party. But Sunday night is having a Halloween haunt, uh, with all the, with all the, uh, the terror mazes and all that stuff and they’re big coat and their coaches will be open. So that’s where I’m planning to spend the Sunday night after WordCamp us after contributor day is at six flags. And Jessie, if I have my say I’ll be dragging you along too. So we’re going to be racking up demo point for sure. Funny thing, I don’t know if you saw uh, on Facebook, Jesse, but Sean said that, uh, he was asking do demo points have currency exchanges. So when I was at the Tiki place in Toronto this weekend is, are those actually more or less demo points cause they’re Canadian demo points then as James try on the chime in. But I haven’t gotten an official ruling on that yet. So what do you think?

Speaker 3: 26:01 Uh, I mean I obviously I’ll have to defer to James because he’s the expert, but I mean I feel like if there, regardless of the currency exchange rate, if they’re in another country, if you had to use a passport

Demo: 26:15 to earn those demo points, I think they’re worth a little more. Yeah. Well Michelle, tell people about that upcoming podcast that you are doing and where can people find it or what can people follow you to know when it’s starting?

Michelle Ames: 26:35 Wp Coffee you can find out all about the podcast episodes will be posted up there as well. Um, so it’s gonna be a video and audio podcast. So I’m looking for the audio host right now and I have that buttoned up in the next day or two and it’ll also be on youtube. And so you’ll be able to follow it in those different places. And there is a Twitter account at WP coffee talk and so you can follow along with their, what’s going on too. Um, it’s really exciting for me. I just launched it like week and a half ago. I already have almost 200 followers on Twitter. I’ve got 40 people who have applied to be on the show and 25 who have already signed up with the time on my calendar. I did three interviews on Monday night. By the end of this week, I’ll have done 12 interviews and we’ll have the first three months, uh, ready to post.

Michelle Ames: 27:25 And so I’m just really humbled, really honored that people are so interested in what’s going on and being able to share their stories with me. It’s, um, you know, it’s a lot, it’s a little similar to here at press where you can kind of tell your story. Uh, and, but it’s, it’s an podcast format, so it’s kind of exciting that way. I always ask them to have a mug so I can tell, find out the story of what the bug there is. And I asked them what’s in their mug and we’re doing a lot of the recording at night, so I’m getting a lot of water answers as opposed to coffee answers. But, um, but it’s all good because it’s just, it’s just about being able to help people get their stories out there. So I’ve got some pretty exciting, pretty exciting guests already signed up.

Michelle Ames: 28:07 I’ve got this guy named Mike, I think I’m on Saturday that I’m going to be talking to. So, uh, it’ll be fun to have you on my podcast since I’ve been, I knew her spouse, so it’s a little bit of a exchange there, but you know, we’ve got some other people, Josh Pollock is going to be on it. Um, Adam silver, uh, Kyle Mauer. So I’ve, uh, tougher from Hera press. A lot of different people have signed up to be on it and so you’ll just have to kind of wait and see who’s going to be popping up every week. But I’m super excited and like I said, really honored and humbled that people are so excited to work with me on it.

Demo: 28:41 Excellent. And uh, wait till you see Jesse has some ideas. Well, surprise. Yeah. And probably won’t be coffee in mind, but uh, um, we’ll see. I mean, Bourbon works too.

Michelle Ames: 29:01 Some people, I don’t care what’s in your mind.

Demo: 29:05 Right. Okay. That’s the way. Got a lot of water.

Michelle Ames: 29:13 It’s like, can I drink? Why not have a Mug? Absolutely you can.

Demo: 29:19 So where can people follow you? Um, on the Inter webs and where can people follow impress on the interwebs? Like social accounts, blogs?

Michelle Ames: 29:30 Uh, I have a website now called and that’s where you can find out all the different things that I’ve published and all the things that I’m doing. Um, there’s a link to my book. There is a, for example of the different blog posts I’ve done and my Twitter handle is @michelleames. And then with impressed, we have @givewp on twitterand WP business reviews is @WPBizReviews that co or did they visit reviews, uh, on Twitter and on the web and then impress is Um, and the, I don’t remember exactly what the Twitter handle is, but I think it’s just, uh, WPN presser at press WP, something like that. So forgive me for not remembering, but you can link to all of them through the websites as well. Um, yeah, so that’s where it kind of, where you can see it. And then, uh, I do have a photography, a webs photography website, click happy design, uh, but also on Instagram.

Demo: 30:28 Excellent. And links to all of those in the show notes, and if you can follow me on Twitter @mpmike

Speaker 3: 30:38 and I am @jessecowens you can follow both slash groups slash BG team orange.

Michelle Ames: 30:50 I’m on it. I’m already in there.

Speaker 3: 30:52 Nice.

Michelle Ames: 30:54 You guys rock. I love how you connect with your users as well.

Demo: 30:59 Thank you and thank you so much, Michelle, for joining us today. We really appreciate it.

Michelle Ames: 31:07 My pleasure. Thank you so much for having me.

Demo: 31:09 Please don’t forget to subscribe to the BoldGrid BoldLife podcast, wherever your favorite podcasts are sold, or by swiping on the image of wherever you’re listening now. Thanks so much and we’ll see you next time on the BoldGrid BoldLife podcast.

Speaker 3: 31:23 Thank you.